I just gambled away my last month's paycheck. What are some resources I can use to better my game because this will happen sometime in the future again?

This is why i hate this sub. Not one person gave OP resources. Every single one of you practices excellent bankroll management? None of you have ever done what op did or blown your bankroll like op did? How quickly the internet forgets. Op, best way to learn is experience, play a lot of hands. Also find the game that fits you. I've been playing a lot of omaha this last year and stopped playing low limit no limit. I only play hold-em tournaments and omaha cash and tourneys. My bankroll has increased substantially. Also for me, the best information I gathered was from watching live streams on wsop.com the last 2 years, live at the bike and crush live poker. I know myself and I hate reading books, which is where most of the material is, but for me this doesn't work. I started listening and watching anything i could to see more and more hands and pick up on little things the pros reveal that you wouldn't hear them say in training videos or anything. Its amazing to hear how they think about the games and ideas of what they would do in different spots and why. Helped my game a lot. Key things i will say. Bet folding is a must if playing cash. Learn about that concept. Learn pot odds and understand when to use them. Pay attention to bet sizing. You can learn so much from the size of a persons bet. Also, hero calls are for fools. Yeah it feels great and all but its not worth it when your wrong especially on the river. Not enough people bluff, its pretty simple. Most people only have 1 bluff in their repertoire and that is the busted front door flush bluff on the river when checked too. Especially when it comes to cash, people in lower levels just aren't bluffing that much to make it profitable to make questionable calls. Final thing, have a plan for the hand. For instance if you have A8 on a flop of 8 6 K and villain leads into you. Understand what it may be when you call. If you call in this spot, what are you going to do on the turn if villain fires again. Especially its a blank like a 2. Theirs nothing wrong with folding especially in cash games. In tournaments, i dont care what anyone says. We play the game for money and that BS about always playing to win is a crock of shit. I folded my way with 8 blinds to 3rd in a tournament the other night for 1.5k. Bottom line is DO whatever makes you money and your comfortable with.

/r/poker Thread