Is it just me? maybe yeah

I think this is just an extreme version of what everyone does. I mean, what’s the point of dating if you don’t plan on being with someone long term? It’s healthy to try to picture what your life will look like in 10 years with this person - it helps put the red and green flags into perspective. For instance, does he have a tick that really gets on your nerves? Is he lazy? Does he have aspirations? Is he stable? Is the sex good? Ad infinitum…

Planning your wedding after the first date is more common than you might think for newbies, and it’s probably something you’ll grow out of, to a degree. Just have fun, don’t put pressure on it, and if it doesn’t work out, it’s really ok, because there’s other guys out there that can make you feel the same way.

/r/askgaybros Thread