I was just thinking about how nervous I was during the debates. Like nauseous nervous. The moment Trump said, "Because you'd be in jail." I fucking jumped off the couch and screamed like I was watching football games on Sunday. That was a magical moment. It is one hell of a time to be alive.

That was such a scary weekend. I was back in Ohio for the first time in several months and driving through rural southwest Ohio on Friday, I saw a Trump sign in front of almost every house for ~10 miles straight - compared to 1 Romney sign maybe every 15 houses on that same stretch back in 2012. Most of them were also YUGE, not the standard sized ones. That's when I thought Trump had it in the bag - and then the very next day the bus tape came out and I worried that everything had changed. I couldn't wait for the debate because after his initial response Saturday night, I knew he was going no holds barred. That's part of the reason we nominated him - we saw Romney cow to Obama in the debate when Romney was on the right side, and we knew it'd take a brawler to bring down the Clinton crime syndicate. So when I was reading r/the_donald before the debate and saw that Trump had played the media into showing Bill's victims right before the debate, I knew we were in for something special, and needless to say he brought it. What a night.

/r/The_Donald Thread