
As with most problems of this scope, I propose that we have a plan for both the short term and long term. In the short term, I propose that we very intentionally accumulate wealth.

See, I agree with you on a lot of this. I think capital is the single biggest obstacle for black people and black communities, look at the list of billionaires in the US and it's >90% white. Here's the thing, the path to that is through better public schools for black kids, protecting affirmative action, better access to loans and capital for black homeowners and entrepeneurs. If republicans seize power for 10-20 years through black voter apathy, they will intentionally do the opposite of the above. Democrats on the other hand have improving public schools, eliminating loan discrimination and protecting affirmative action in their party platform and vote for it every time it comes up. So consider two futures: one where black communities try to accumulate wealth under democrat government, and one where they try under republican government. Because that's your short term, 100%.

As for black gun ownership, also 100% agree. I think normalizing responsible black gun ownership and homeowners arming themselves will stabilize police relations and help eliminate negative stereotypes.

In the long term, the previously mentioned point of educating ourselves is key, because eventually we will have enlightened enough of us (at this point, us includes poor whites/the middle class as a whole/other oppressed peoples and groups such as the LGBTQ+ community in the most intersectional manner feasible) and done enough research and planning to dismantle capitalism and supplant it with a more ethical system.

You had me until the last bit. Unfettered free markets can have massive negative consequences, but social capitalism is pretty damn good in terms of allocation of resources, and way fucking better than any sort of central-planning economy. Look at countries that tried this: the soviet union, venezuela, they suffer massively because of the inevitable slow response to consumer needs and government corruption.

Heavily progressive capitalism, with a high carbon tax, UBI (or better, negative income tax) is the best system any society has found for helping the poor. Show me an example of a successful centrally-planned economy and I'll reconsider.

It's not about being right or wrong in an internet argument for me, but actual progress towards true equality for humanity.

Same. We want the same things, I'm being honest about my view and you're being honest about yours.

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