Personification of the Three Sisters

when i was a kid we would go with our older sisters and cousins to a place called Hay Coulee to look for sweet grass ~sipatsimoi~. they would tell us if we made too much noise the sweet grass would hide from us.

same way when we would travel with our moms and aunts and they would look for along the river banks for red earth paint ~mikapipixkimiko~. if we were noisey the red paint would go back in side the rock or the mud or the sandy-ness and not allow it self to be collected. in both instances we had to be quiet and diligent and keep our eyes open.

keep your mouth fairly closed and your eyes fairly open.

once you talk about it you will see it all over the damn place. the ~Niitsitapi~(blackfeet confederacy) have a word for this. they call it Baader–Meinhof

/r/IndianCountry Thread