Kate was recruited?

I was also recruited off Instagram for the current MAFS season coming out and my current S/O had a producer slide in his DMs last month for next season (DC). Plot twist on what brought me to the MAFS reddit today is I just saw who the new cast is.... and my abusive ex is one of them.

I had a hard time watching Luke gaslight Kate last season, but I was excited to see who the Charlotte couples were only to find out my personal nightmare was allowed to marry a stranger. He isn’t looking for love, he’s looking for something to control. I won’t cloud any judgements by sharing anything else, but have fun guessing who all my friends and family refer to solely as “Crazy.”

I honestly thought this show had a good intent in the beginning with some of the cute stories, but between the mess of Dallas & Boston to gaslighting Luke to now Crazy.... it’s gone beyond trashy reality TV. It makes me wonder if they know when casting this way via IG how messy some of these degrees it separation are..... bleak.

/r/MarriedAtFirstSight Thread Link - i.imgur.com