How many people are debt free?

Have about 1/3 of a mortgage left. If 2020 wouldn’t have happened, it would be paid off this year. It’ll probably be 2021 or 22, but that’s okay. No student debt, CC gets paid off every month, money in savings and retirement and two vehicles that are paid off.

If Olivia has student loan debt, that’s one thing. If it’s CC debt and she still has student loans, then I’d say she needs to prioritize a budget and paying off debt for a few years. Maybe she needs to take vacations that aren’t quite as nice or drink box wine (joke) for a little while and really chip away at the debt. Is NOLA an expensive city to live in? I have no clue. Her house looked cute, but I realize rent could be $800 a month or $6000 a month on a place like that. I have no frame of reference there.

/r/MarriedAtFirstSight Thread