Keith Stanfield from Straight Outta Compton announced to play L in the upcoming Netflix Death Note live-action adaptation

Paul Nakauchi, Shea Whigham join cast; character names revealed

• Check back daily for reviews of all of this season's biggest new shows.Available Now: Danganronpa 3: Future Arc - Mob Psycho 100 - The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. - Active Raid - Ange Vierge - Qualidea Code - hitorinoshita The Outcast - Handa-kun - Time Travel Girl - Thunderbolt Fantasy - 91 Days - Amanchu!

• ― Working on the Preview Guide has taken up most of my time this week, and it's been kind of cool to have a legitimate excuse to watch the first episode of every single new show this season.

• After providing dynamic key animation and highlights like FLCL's manga sequences early in his career, he became the flagship director for Gainax's last big hits, handling Gurren Lagann and Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt ...

• Featuring a hero framed for the brutal murders of twelve people and set in a school/penitentiary, there are plenty of moments of physical violence and references to rape.


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