Why you should always wear a seatbelt

Background information, courtesy of /u/iambecomegay in /r/wtf:

Some more info from live leak.

"Big accident occurred yesterday on route M9 (Baltic Highway). Seven vehicles collided 30 km from Moscow on 18th of August at approx 20:30 local time. This accident left 2 dead: one of the two victims was 26 y.o. prosecutor in Moscow, returning home from the gym. 3 people were injured, one of them is in critical condition. As reported by Interfax, a car swerved into oncoming lane for some reason, hitting "Mercedes Gelaendewagen" SUV, which in result bounced into oncoming lane as well, hitting 5 other cars. 33 y.o. woman and 26 y.o. man in Mercedes SUV were pronounced dead. 64 y.o. woman, who was injured due to this accident, is now in critical condition."

It seems the the guy that went flying died, unless there were 2 others in the SUV that died and he survived.

Drive by of damage. It looks like they are cutting someone out of the grey car that was squished, probably the 64 y.o. woman.


Close up:




Credit to /u/Dimatizer from this thread


/r/ANormalDayInRussia Thread Link - a.thumbs.redditmedia.com