Maybe unreasonable, but a warning would have been nice.

Reading through this thread, I have thoughts. Can we stop with the rhetoric that trigger warnings have gone too far. You might think it’s too much because you don’t personally benefit from it- but there are people outside of your universe who might have chosen to skip through thanks to the advice about specifics of the content, including the length or paused to take a big breath before moving through.

I’ve seen a couple of people kind of downplay being triggered as if it’s no big deal and it’s just feeling a bit down, and I wanted to clarify that for some people (like me!) it’s days or weeks of auditory and visual hallucinations and doing stupid shit like snapping out of bed every 40 minutes to check all of my door locks and all of the windows in my house. And I’m in therapy. I don’t choose this- it’s not fun for me or my family.

When I hear a trigger warning, my default is to just push through. The alternative is that I allow someone to continue to control my life. That’s a legitimate struggle for me.

It’s also pretty belittling to tell people that no one is responsible for your triggers. No shit, everyone who has to deal with the fall out is well aware.

/r/behindthebastards Thread