Kieran appreciation post: His job sure was not always that easy

You have never been a truther, you're a poser. This sub is for people who recognize that James has been a cunt all along, it's not for diet "Cinemassacre may suck now, but you people need to move on with your lives" folks like you.

Any time I've ever seen you here over the past two years, you've always berated people for being overly hateful over James. Well guess what, James deserves to be hated. He's a disgrace. He didn't pay his friends, he sold out to Screenwave, he never worked hard ever in his entire fucking life, he never liked video games that much at all, he's a fraud, he's a scumbag, fuck him. I don't care if he ends up on the street at this point, he deserves it for being a selfish asshole piece of shit (the book even made it clear he's been a self absorbed asshole his entire life for fuck's sake). In all honesty this sub is infinitely funnier than AVGN was in its golden years. Saying 5:40 and Mike's penis over and over again all day long are two things that are infinitely funnier than the content of AVGN/Cinemassacre in its glory days. It's time to face facts son, you're not one of us. The whole mission scope of this sub is to prove to James that we are way funnier than he ever was, even when he seemed like he was a worth a shit due to people like Mike. Sooooo.... unfollow us, thanks!

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