Ladies of all ages, how much do you earn per month and what does your budget look like?

I'm a single 23 year old in a large metro area.

I'm paid about 18.47/hr and work full time. After taxes + deductions I take home roughly 2000.

I automatically put $250 per pay period into savings. It is direct deposited so I don't even think about the money.

I pay $700 in rent and $100 in utilities.

I pay a spotify and netflix subscription.

I pay a student loan bill of $110.

The rest is spent on food, drink, personal care items, and my cat.

I don't own a vehicle so I don't incur any costs and my public transit pass is deducted from my pay.

I'd like to firm up my budget a little more so I can save better, but it gets difficult when it comes to planning for food. It's so easy to just do takeout for one single person.

Overall: $700 rent $500 savings $100 utilities $110 student loans $20 cat stuff $20 music/netflix

then I have about $550-$650 that gets spent on food, coffee, drinks, and other miscellaneous stuff that I don't really budget. I'd like to narrow in on that and find a way to save.

/r/AskWomen Thread