Ladies who have/had HG, I need your wisdom!

I still have HG, though not as bad as I did. I hated going to hospital (even though I knew it was what I/baby needed). My OB and GP both said if I can't keep anything down for 24 hrs to go in. Also, he advised me to keep an eye on the colour of my urine. I found that a better indicator as I was never sure how much was staying down.

Even when the vomiting calmed down (nausea is still always there) I still never felt "hungry". I, like you just forced food down. One day I couldn't be bothered and almost passed out. Since then I knew that if I could force food in and keep it down then thats what I would do.

Food wise - the strangest thing I found is I just had to go with foods that when I looked at then didn't want to make me hurl instantly. No foods looked amazing to me but certain food looked "do-able". These foods sometimes changed (especially if I had thrown it up in the past). Sometimes its the weirdest things too. Eg. chocolate biscuit was ok but apple was not. I felt guilty that I must not be that sick because when I could eat I could only stomach junk. But I went with it and eventually stopped losing weight and the vomiting eased a little.

What a PP said about having a nap after eating was what I did too. I can't do it now because I get bad heartburn but in the first trimester it definitely did help. It was almost like you weren't giving your body time to refuse food.

Again, not all of these things worked all of the time. Sometimes your body is just a dick and will throw up until you can't take any more. But I do hope some of the tips from these comments help you. HG can be a lonely journey. And it will get better. It may not be until week 40, but it will get better :).

/r/BabyBumps Thread