Lady is upset I wouldn’t knock off 5 bucks off a cheap item. Proceeds to drag my toddler in my pic into the mix she’s so mad after making a separate account to keep trying.

Psst, you seem to consistently like using "kid" as an insult, just wanted to drop in and say you're making it obvious that you're a kid yourself.

Most of the time, our insults we give are what we ourselves find the most hurtful. If you don't like being called a kid, stop calling others one and you won't be found out so easily, kid.

You gotta insult someone because they think differently than you, that's just about the most immature, childlike thing you can do and the more you're building this case that you're the model of masculinity, the more you're proving to everyone paying attention that you're anything but.

Please, and I mean this in the nicest way, but shut the absolute fuck up, my guy.

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