My [26F] girlfriend [24F] thinks she's an Instagram influencer and it's driving me crazy!

So she clearly has a problem. That is very evident. I want to kind of play devils advocate though. So, she wants to make money off of instagram. It certainly is possible, you can’t deny that. Unlikely, but possible.

This reminds me heavily of my mother. She was kind of a deprived artist her whole life, and has been living her whole life never getting to do what she liked as a job. Eventually she found Etsy. She makes kind of weird stuff, stuff I think mostly older people who statistically don’t understand online shopping would like. She became obsessed for the last 3 years. She did it nonstop. Never looked for a job, and just kept making her little wool figures. No sales. Then one Christmas, she start selling like crazy. Ever since, she’s been actually getting a decent income off of Etsy.

I say this cause I was so pissed at her for trying so long when I thought it was stupid and annoying. But now I see that I shouldn’t have shut her down completely.

This isn’t to say your girlfriend doesn’t have a serious problem, but maybe consider ways for her to keep trying to make money off of Instagram without jeopardizing your relationship. Maybe setup schedules or something. Or try therapy. Or leave. We both know she’s not going to stop, by maybe it can just be managed better.

/r/relationship_advice Thread