Larry King reveals lung cancer diagnosis

One day I should write up the complete story about my wife's illness cause it involves so much more shit then the disease alone. Some things we've been through in those 4-5 years are really fucked up...

I understand what you mean. When he was in the ICU I started writing about the whole experience to keep myself busy, but once he was released stopped. I'm not sure I want to finish the story until I know it has a happy ending.

Your English is great, I would have never guessed you were not a native speaker.

Going to work while she was home resting and even caring for our son was very hard for her but we had no other option; someone had to bring in the money... Staying home 24/7 was financially impossible for me

I'm sorry to hear that. Our situation is very fortunate, especially considering we live in a conservative area of America. My situation is rather atypical. If we didn't have insurance, just his first stay in the hospital would have been $547k. We would have been in insurmountable debt before even starting treatment.

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