Last night I went to taylors house and listened to reputation and I am dead

What? Words definitely have meanings. I didn't say the meanings were static. It's weird to me that we're using words to replace words we already have. The misuse is going to become more and more accepted until it's the new official meaning. Until then, it's still misuse and both "sides" are "technically" right because the word does have its original meaning but the understood meaning is changing.

I really don't think a solid argument can be made in support of the fact that we now have literally to mean both literally and figuratively besides just a shrug of a shoulder, because we once had a word to help us understand what literally happened but now we need to clarify when things are literal or not because the word literally no longer gets the job done.

The word jealous isn't as much of a problem since we all understand the contextual meanings, but it doesn't change the fact that at this point in time jealous means to appreciate what you have and envious means to want what you don't have, and soon we won't have a way to differential between those two feelings; we're just combining them into one. Like I said, I'm not going to stop it, but no one is "wrong" for pointing out the current meanings.

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