Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Brexit (HBO)

as someone who has absolutely no clue about the UK and doesn't care either way,and someone who watched only a few of his stuff, this video convinced me otherwise. This guy is an artist at straw manning and bullshitting. First you have that pillow movie blown out of proportion...Why didn't he look at the actual regulations? As I layman I can think of EU bullshit in a few cases, I'm sure there's a lot more. Why didn't he try to understand what the pro/contra regulations people are actually saying?

Then you have the ever present "racist" . So out of a few million people you find a politician who says something stupid, a crazy old woman and the UKIP leader guy who basically says it's more nuanced than "racism!!". You could do this to literally everything. You can paint every country,city,village,company,school,corporation etc as racists( or other "ists") if you really want to.

Then, probably the most disgusting thing, he uses the death of that woman for political gain... It's like that guy killed the woman to send a message, and John Oliver is like some bottom feeding worm trying to feed on what's left... And he's so fucking smug about it, reminds me of that Eliott Rodger dude.

Absolutely disgusting. I don't know how he is as a person, but after almost every segment of his I have seen my opinion moved the other way. I honestly think he doesn't make a single good point in this whole video. I'm saying, put him in a room with scientists,philosophers etc, people who actually make an effort to think and argue, make them completely impartial to the issues at hand, and he would be absolutely discredited.

I feel dirty and dumber just for watching this shit.

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