In layman terms, what is Gamergate? What does it mean to be pro-gamergate or anti-gamergate?

Posting quite late, but wrote up a quick timeline of GamerGate:

A developer named Zoey Quinn wrote a free text-adventure-ish game called Depression Quest, receiving good reviews from a number of indie sources. Then, her ex-boyfriend made a large post accusing her in great detail of sleeping with a number of people behind his back, including some people in the indie scene.

The post was reposted on a variety of websites, including Reddit. Given the already-questionable state of gaming journalism today, this incited a lot of unrest within the gaming community. Then, the moderators of most of those sites took down those posts based on allegations of doxxing, which ignited claims of censorship and turned the shitstorm into a shit-hurricane. It also turned out that people in the indie scene are fiercely protective of their own, which further elevated the drama to Hurricane Katrina levels.

The pro-GamerGate side claimed to be fighting nepotism in the gaming industry and demanding ethics in gaming journalism. The anti-GamerGate side alleged that GamerGate is fueled by misogynistic sentiments against women involved in gaming rather than a concern for journalistic integrity.

As the movement gained traction until eventually starting to run out of steam, all sorts of highly entertaining things occurred. People began raging about Anita Sarkeesian again. TotalBiscuit made a nuanced, level-headed post for once and still got yelled at, although since he already gets yelled at constantly, not much changed from the norm. Phil Fish had a massive Internet meltdown and deleted everything that he posted on the Internet. A retired football player made fun of GamerGate, and a lot of people got mad.

Also, a whole bunch of /v/ and /pol/ 4channers got mad at being banned and left for 8chan, which brands itself as a virtually unfettered bastion of free speech. 8chan now has sizable populations of furries, script kiddies, and people who like little boys and girls in that special way.

A lot more fun things also happened, but the Internet being what it is, GamerGate has now degenerated into a relative minority of assholes on both sides yelling at each other on Twitter. If you want, you can learn more about the kinds of people who still care about GamerGate at /r/KotakuInAction and /r/GamerGhazi.

/r/NoStupidQuestions Thread