Why do leftists always resort to shady tactics, lies and manipulation?

"Tolerance and Apathy are virtues of a dying society" - Aristotle

I don't know if you've heard of the 'Great Filter' theory. Which means we[intelligent life] have conquered the threat of extinction, or it is awaiting us. It has taken us thousands of years for us to reach this stage and it's still just a blink in the eyes of the Earth. Anything could have stopped/stop us along the way. Whether it be a virus, a meteorite, nuclear war, or even the consequences of global warming.

Taking this theory into account, I think it could be as easily applied to civilizations. Our ignorance of the past always makes us vulnerable to repeat it. Not many people people know that multiculturalism and gay rights aren't exclusive to the progressive modern day. The last six Roman emperors were homosexuals. The Roman Empire became progressively "multicultural" towards the end. Babylon was a homogeneous society to begin with, they became multicultural towards the end. Communist Russia is never taught in schools. We saw how absolute egalitarianism worked out. Even though civil rights and gender equality is important, it seems to lead us on a slippery slope, and ill minds tend to grease the slope.

Group polarization tends to make this worse. People with little understanding are vulnerable to be dictated by their feelings and moral relativity. Ultimately, you could identify the enemy as Cultural Marxism. With little understand of Marxism it is easy to understand that this ideology seizes these weaknesses and takes advantage, such is the case of Russia's revolution in 1917.

I'm not saying these[multiculturalism/homosexuality] are directly responsible for degradation of societies. But it's fair to argue that they are the virtues of a dying society. These byproducts ultimately serve as catalysts. Sweden is a shining example of this.

/r/european Thread