Let's play nice with other friendly subreddits, m'kay?

That moderator is the typical, programmed, do-gooder, bleeding heart leftist. We have free speech in this country guaranteed by our constitution. Those poster say "groid savages" and "stupid niggers" because it is the most accurate description for the foul beasts. - Any loser who says "I can no longer tolerate the attention-seeking purposely edgy comment" needs wake up call:

They sure as hell don’t care if you’re the biggest liberal in the whole world; it won’t make a dam bit of difference to them when it finally comes down to it. And it will come down to it, eventually. When it does, you’ll still be nothing but a cracker to a majority of them and that’s all they’ll ever care about. Not your past, not any of those wonderful, eglaritarian beliefs that you hold so dear, not any of the activism that you’ve ever done– nothing! And you know it, too.

“Q: What kind of world do you want to leave to your children? A: A world in which there aren’t any white people. . . .” — Leonard Jeffries (chairman of the African-American studies department of the City College of New York), interviewed by T.L. Stanclu and Nisha Mohammed, Rutherford Magazine (May 1995, p. 13)

“You guys have been practicing discrimination for years. Now it is our turn.” — Black Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall (in a conversation with Justice William Douglas about racial preferences), quoted by William O. Douglas, The Court Years, 1939-1975 (New York, Random House, 1980)

“It’s always illegitimate for white men to organize as white men.” — William Raspberry (Black columnist), Dubiously Exclusive, (Washington Post, Nov. 24, 1995)

“I don’t care about your idiot children.” — Willie Brown (Mayor of San Francisco, to a White parent complaining that affirmative action would penalize his children), quoted in The Social Contract (Summer 1998, p. 290)

Mario Obledo (former California secretary of health and welfare and co-founder of Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund: “We’re going to take over all the political institutions of California. California is going to be a Hispanic state and anyone who doesn’t like it should leave. If they [Anglos] don’t like Mexicans, they ought to go back to Europe.” [interviewed on radio station KIEV, Los Angeles, June 17, 1998.] (added 6/29/03)

Jeff Hitchcock (co-founder of the Center for the Study of White American Culture) -”There is plenty to blame whiteness for. There is no crime that whiteness has not committed against people of color. There is no crime that we have not committed even against ourselves. . . . We must blame whiteness for the continuing patterns today that deny the rights of those outside of whiteness and which damage and pervert the humanity of those of us within it.” [Chris Weinkopf, “Whiteness Studies,” Frontpagemag.com, June 25, 2003.] (added 6/29/03)

Gregory Jay (English professor at the University of Wisconsin, on the purpose of Whiteness Studies) - “to make visible the history and practices of white supremacy as found in social life, the law, literature, music, politics, and every other realm of our ‘civilization.’ ” [Chris Weinkopf, “Whiteness Studies,” Frontpagemag.com, June 25, 2003.] (added 6/29/03)

Stan Crock (correspondent in BusinessWeek’s Washington bureau) - “minorities — not whites — should be the beneficiaries of both the 14th Amendment and the notion of “strict scrutiny” of racially tinged laws.” [Stan Crock, The Real Affirmative Action Problem, BusinessWeek, May 30, 2003.] (added 6/29/03)

Haunani-Kay Trask (Professor of Hawaiian Studies at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, and author of the following poem)

Racist White Woman I could kick Your face, puncture Both eyes. You deserve this kind Of violence. No more vicious Tongues, obscene Lies. Just a knife Slitting your tight Little heart. For all my people Under your feet For all those years Lived smug and wealthy Off our land Parasite arrogant A fist In your painted Mouth, thick With money And piety

[Ryan O’Donnell, “Hate America Professor,” Frontpagemag.com, June 25, 2003.]

Samuel Lin (Asian student at the University of California at Berkeley on what should be done about white men who date Asian women) - “I think we should f—in’ kill them all. Get your own ladies. Stick to your own flavor.” [Carrie Chang, “White Light,” Monolid Magazine, Vol. 2, No. 1.](added 4/10/03)

Carrie Chang (writer for Monolid Magazine on an Asian friend who dated white men) - “Suffice it to say, she was not the only Asian woman I had met with a hankering for Mr. Mayonnaise or marshmallow face.” [Carrie Chang, “White Light,” Monolid Magazine, Vol. 2, No. 1.] (added 4/10/03)

Donna Lamb (member of ‘Caucasians United for Reparations and Emancipation’) - “Knowing what I know about what my people did, I wouldn’t be able to respect myself if I weren’t doing everything I can to have … white people face up to this crime we committed and to right this great wrong.” [Manny Fernandez, Thousands To Rally for Reparations Apology Also Sought For Slave Descendants, Washington Post, August 16, 2002] (added 4/10/03)

David Roediger (social historian at the University of Minnesota) - “Whiteness is the empty and therefore terrifying attempt to build an identity on what one isn’t, and on whom one can hold back.” [The Social Contract, A Europhobia Sampler, Summer 1998, p. 290.] (added 4/10/03)

Grace Watkins (black 18-year-old New Yorker on two policemen killed in a shootout at the Stapleton Houses project where she lives): “I think a lot of people out here weren’t worried about [the killings] because they thought they were white cops. But when they heard the cops were black, they’re attitude changed totally. And they started expressing concern for the police officers’ families.” [Douglas Montero, “Surprising Sympathy Dawns in Projects,” New York Post, March 12, 2003.] (added 3/14/03)

Charles Barron (New York City Councilman, on the subject of reparations for slavery) — “I want to go up to the closest white person and say: ‘You can’t understand this, it’s a black thing’ and then slap him, just for my mental health.” [Deroy Murdock, “Dems Need to Houseclean” National Review Online, January 6, 2003.] (added 2/05/03)

Sharpe James (mayor of Newark, New Jersey referring to his light-skinned black opponent in the 2002 Democratic primary) — “the faggot white boy.” [Deroy Murdock, “Dems Need to Houseclean” National Review Online, January 6, 2003.] (added 2/05/03)

Willie Brown (then-California assembly speaker, after a 1995 victory over Republicans in a leadership battle) — “The white boys got taken fair and square.” When asked by ABC correspondent Judd Rose if he regretted that comment, Mr. Brown replied, “It was an adequate and accurate description of a collection of people who had been defeated on this occasion.” [Deroy Murdock, “Dems Need to Houseclean” National Review Online, January 6, 2003.] (added 2/05/03)

Noel Ignatiev (white Harvard professor and editor of “Race Traitor” magazine) — “Keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females, too, until the social construct known as the white race is destroyed. Not deconstructed, but destroyed.” [Robert Boatman, “Trent Lott’s of the Left,” Frontpagemag.com (online), January 3, 2003.] (added 2/05/03)

Donna Brazile (Director of Al Gore’s 2000 presidential campaign) — “A white-boy attitude is ‘I must exclude, denigrate and leave behind.’ ” [Robin Givhan, Clearing the Decks at Gore Headquarters, Washington Post, Nov. 16, 1999, p. C1.] (added 2/05/03)

Nathan McCall (journalist for the Washington Post in his autobiography “Makes Me Wanna Holler”) — “The fellas and I were hanging out on our corner one afternoon when the strangest thing happened. A white boy … came pedaling a bicycle casually through the neighborhood. … Somebody spotted him and pointed him out to the rest of us. ‘Look! What’s that mother****a doin’ ridin’ through here?! Is he crraaaazy?!’ … We caught him on Cavalier Boulevard and knocked him off the bike. … Ignoring the passing cars, we stomped him and kicked him. My stick partners kicked him in the head and face and watched the blood gush from his mouth. I kicked him in the stomach and nuts, where I knew it would hurt. Every time I drove my foot into his balls, I felt better … one dude kept stomping, like he’d gone berserk … When he finished, he reached down and picked up the white dude’s bike, lifted it as high as he could above his head, and slammed it down on him hard. … We walked away, laughing, boasting, competing for bragging rights about who’d done the most damage.” [Nathan McCall, Makes Me Wanna Holler: A Young Black Man in America, Random House, 1993, p. 3.] (added 2/05/03)

/r/CoonTown Thread