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Robin Morgan (white author) — “My white skin disgusts me. My passport disgusts me. They are the marks of an insufferable privilege bought at the price of others’ agony. If I could peel myself inside out I would be glad. If I could become part of the oppressed I would be free.” [Robert Boatman, “Trent Lott’s of the Left,” Frontpagemag.com (online), January 3, 2003.] (added 2/05/03)

Spike Lee (film director) — “When talking about the history of this great country, one can never forget that America was built upon the genocide of Native Americans and enslavement of African people. To say otherwise is criminal.” [Lee Gives ‘The Patriot’ a Thumbs-Down, Los Angeles Times, July 7, 2000, p. F2.] (added 2/05/03)

Spike Lee (film director) — “I’m convinced AIDS is a government-engineered disease. They got one thing wrong, they never realized it couldn’t just be contained to the groups it was intended to wipe out. So, now it’s a national priority. Exactly like drugs when they escaped the urban centers into white suburbia.” [Janet Braunstein, “Spike’s Message Obscured,” Detroit Free Press, Nov. 9, 1992, p. 4F.]

George P. Bush (son of Florida Governor Jeb Bush and his Mexican-born wife Columba, and nephew of the President speaking to a gathering of Hispanics) — “. . . we have to fight for our race, we have to find the leaders who represent us.”[Reuters, Aug. 2, 2000.] (added 2/05/03)

Marcus Jacoby (the only white on the historically black Southern University football team from 1996 to 1998) — “I heard the entire stadium booing me. Fans were yelling ‘Get the white boy out.’ ” Mr. Jacoby left the team because of repeated death threats. [Ira Berkow, Race: “Keeping Score in Louisiana,” The Oregonian, Aug. 1, 2000, p. A6.] (added 2/05/03)

Ann Rhodes (University Relations Vice President at the University of Iowa speaking after it was discovered a black woman staged a phony hate crime) — “I figured it was going to be a white guy between 25 and 55 because they’re the root of most evil.” [Greg Smith, “Black Student Arrested in Racist Threats at Iowa Dental School,” AP, April 20, 2000. Scott Hogenson, “College Official Calls White Men ‘Root of Most Evil,’” CNSNews.com, April 21, 2000.] (added 2/05/03)

Ice Cube (black rap musician) — “Ice Cube wishes to acknowledge white America’s continued commitment to the silence and oppression of black men. . . . White America needs to thank black people for still talkin’ to them ’cause you know what happens when we stop.” [pamphlet included in his 1992 album The Predator.] (added 2/05/03)

Randall Robinson (black race activist and head of TransAfrica, a group that promotes racial solidarity between black Africans and black Americans) — “In the autumn of my life, I am left regarding white people, before knowing them individually, with irreducible mistrust and dull dislike.” [Randall Robinson, Defending the Spirit: A Black Life in America, 1998, p.xiii.] (added 2/05/03)

Randall Robinson (black race activist and head of TransAfrica, a group that promotes racial solidarity between black Africans and black Americans) — “My father died in 1974 at the age of sixty-eight, of what the family now believes to have been Alzheimer’s disease. Toward the end, and not lucid, he slapped a nurse, telling her not to ‘put her white hands on him.’ His illness had afforded him one final brief honesty. I was perversely pleased when told the story.” [Randall Robinson, Defending the Spirit: A Black Life in America, 1998, p.xiii.] (added 2/05/03)

Frances Cress Welsing (black psychiatrist) –”White male homosexuality may be viewed as the symbolic attempt to incorporate into the white male body more male substance by either sucking the penis of another male and orally ingesting the semen, or by having male ejaculate deposited in the other end of the alimentary canal. Through anal intercourse, the self-debasing white male may fantasize that he can produce a product of color, albeit that the product of color is fecal matter.” [Frances Cress Welsing, The Isis Papers: The Keys to the Colors, Third World Press, 1991, p. 47.] (added 2/05/03)

Frances Cress Welsing (black psychiatrist) — “On both St. Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day, the white male gives gifts of chocolate candy with nuts. . . . If his sweetheart ingests ‘chocolate with nuts,’ the white male can fantasize that he is genetically equal to the Black male.” [Frances Cress Welsing, The Isis Papers: The Keys to the Colors, Third World Press, 1991, p. 76.] (added 2/05/03)

Frances Cress Welsing (black psychiatrist) — “Is it not also curious that when white males are young and vigorous, they attempt to master the large brown balls, but as they become older and wiser, they psychologically resign themselves to their inability to master the large brown balls? Their focus then shifts masochistically to hitting the tiny white golf balls in disgust and resignation — in full final realization of white genetic recisiveness.” [Frances Cress Welsing, The Isis Papers: The Keys to the Colors, Third World Press, 1991, p. 141.] (added 2/05/03)

Chancellor Williams (Afrocentrist and author of The Destruction of Black Civilization) — “The necessary re-education of Blacks and a possible solution of the racial crisis can begin . . . only when Blacks fully realize this central fact to their lives: the white man is their Bitter Enemy.” [Phil Collier and David Horowitz, The Race Card, 1997, p. 104.] (added 2/05/03)

Elizabeth Smith (Texaco vice president for investor relations) — “White males are only hired by default,” [Jon E. Dougherty, “White Males Need Not Apply at Texaco,” WorldNetDaily.com, March 31, 1999.] (added 2/05/03)

Carol Moseley Braun (former U.S. Senator responding to a column by George Will on her many financial scandals) — “I think because he couldn’t say ‘nigger’ he used the word ‘corrupt.’ George Will can just take off his hood and go back to wherever he came from.” [George Will, Moseley-Braun May Find Defeat, Chicago Sun-Times, Sept. 7, 1998, p. 19. Scott Fornek, Moseley-Braun Writes Apology, Chicago Sun-Times, Sept. 9, 1998, p. 24.] (added 2/05/03)

Rodolfo Acuna (professor of Chicano studies at Cal State Northridge) “There’s a growing feeling ‘Why should we pay for all these senior citizens’ if the majority of them are white and all they were willing to pay for was prisons?” [Jonathan Tilove, Generation Gap Becoming Racial Gap, San Francisco Examiner, Nov. 23, 1997, p. A17.] (added 2/05/03)

Stephen Klineberg (Rice University sociologist on the defeat of a ballot initiative in Houston that would have outlawed affirmative action) “I think this shows that Houston has transcended its redneck Southern past and is recognizing its destiny as a multiethnic, international city in a global economy.” [Jesse Katz, Houston Thinks Globally in OK of Affirmative Action, Los Angeles Times, Nov. 6, 1997, p. A14.] (added 2/05/03)

Amiri Baraka (poet laureate of the state of New Jersey) — “Come up, black dada nihilismus. Rape the white girls. Rape their fathers. Cut the mothers’ throats.” [from “Black Dada Nihilismus”.] (added 2/05/03)

Amiri Baraka (poet laureate of the state of New Jersey) “When I die, the consciousness I carry I will to black people. May they pick me apart and take the useful parts, the sweet meat of my feelings. And leave the bitter bull**** rotten white parts alone. (from his classic “Leroy”) [John McAlpin, “NJ Gov. Seeks Authority to Fire Poet,” AP, Oct. 6, 2002.] (added 2/05/03)

Robert Mugabe (President of Zimbabwe who is taking the land of white farmers and revoking their citizenship) — “Our party must continue to strike fear in the heart of the white man, our real enemy!” [J.T. Young, “Zimbabwean double standard,” Washington Times, January 14, 2003, p. A15.] (added 2/05/03)

Robert Mugabe (President of Zimbabwe who is taking the land of white farmers and revoking their citizenship) — “Zimbabwe is for black people not white people.” [”Zimbabwe ‘Votes’ ” American Renaissance, April 2002, p. 9.] (added 2/05/03)

John Street (black mayor of Philadelphia) — “Let me tell you: The brothers and sisters are running this city. Oh yes. The brothers and sisters are running this city. Running it! Don’t let nobody fool you; we are in charge of the City of Brotherly Love. We are in charge! We are in charge! [Cynthia Burton, “Street Talk Hits a Nerve on Race,” Philadelphia Inquirer, April 17, 2002, p. A1.] (added 2/05/03)

Harris Sussman (white “diversity consultant,” in a front-page article in Managing Diversity, a publication subscribed to by U.S. government agencies) — “When we say ‘white people,’ we mean the people of greed who valued things over people, who value money over people. We know exactly what their values are and where they lead. We have all paid a terrible price for those values . . . .” [White People, Washington Times, Feb. 13, 1997, p. A10.] (added 2/05/03)

[’Comment: ‘Sussman’ is Jewish, the editor, it would seem, forgot to place quotes around “white”]

William Raspberry (black columnist)- “It is hard to think of whites-only groups formed for the benefit of their members that could gain our approval. Perhaps an organization of white LA police officers formed to help its members improve their attitudes towards minorities . . . . It’s always illegitimate for white men to organize as white men.” [William Raspberry, “Dubiously Exclusive,” Washington Post, Nov. 24, 1995.] (added 2/05/03)

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