- What is your best estimate of equilibrium climate sensitivity?
We would have to halt all emissions and even then it would still put us far ahead of schedule. I cannot make an accurate prediction, but anything more than 2°C in 20 years seems over the top.
- What is your best estimate of transient climate response?
To mitigate coastal areas immediately and find suitable farmland with rich soil that is near an abundant water source.
- How much confidence do you have in general circulation models' skill in modelling clouds as a feedback?
Not sure I need more information on this.
- Do you believe the IPCC has adequately considered the economics of fossil fuel depletion in their projections of atmospheric CO2?
Well they are conservative with their estimations, I believe they withheld certain data to refrain from "alarmism." Mostly to try to get more reasonable agreement.
- How much of the warming during the 20th century do you attribute to solar activity?
None. We have not managed to change the amount of energy released from the sun. Only the amount absorbed by the earth.
- Of the warming post-1950, how much do you attribute to mankind? Of that, how much do you attribute to CO2 increases? How much to CH4? How about HFCs? Land use changes?
I want to get into greater detail with this so I will make a separate post.
- Of the ~3 mm per year of sea level rise (SLR) we observe, how much do you attribute to glacial melt? To thermal expansion of the oceans? To depletion of terrestrial aquifers?
All is a result of glacial melt, only a small percentage is a result of runoff. None to thermal expansion.
- Of the fifty or so explanations for the slowdown in warming (aka, "pause," aka, "hiatus") observed over the last decade or two, which explanations do you prefer and why?
The earths climate is delicate and takes time to change. Remember warming and cooling of the climates becomes more intense as the composition changes.
- Have you read the sidebar?
No I had not :/