A lifelong hardcore raider's plea to the devs

Except that video games have feedback that tell you if your character is powerful or not

I completely agree, but why build systems that encourages this? Instead of trying to do it oldschool? Have systems that try to mimic real life in a fun way. How does DPS lists fit into any kind of real life narrative?

If you got a howitzer you have to read through thousands of reports to be able to gauge how effective it is, you don't get a list when you are firing it of how high dps it does.

Damage and health numbers was a easy and fun way to mimic real life damage that you take and do, having a DPS list is just what the meta has become, even if they are working towards the stream against tens if not hundreds of MMO's that have a DPS list why would they want to encourage the behaviour they are trying to put a lid on?

The meta will always exists ever since it was introduced and had spread enough, but giving theory crafters the tools just tells them that "this is the way this game is supposed to be played"

They should be free to theory craft as much as they want, since playing games is about having fun. But having everyone else forced to follow that meta by design is not something that most game designer wants.

The RP part is in my view supposed to be lifted up by numbers, not the other way around. Forcing people to play a certain class combination in order to be and feel powerful does not seem very RP to me.

I don't think I'm alone when I say that modern day mmoRPG's are less RPG then ever. Something I am pretty sure Intrepid is trying to change.

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