Like Attlee and Thatcher before him, Corbyn will completely transform Britain

Tell me how this isn't condescending or sanctimonious?

I don't see what's wrong with it, I mean it matches quite well the consensus of most of our elected officials and PMs since 1996, and many people born around that time are now of voting age.

Or this? I'm sick of being told that if I don't agree with every single Labour policy proposal I'm a red Tory or a 'slimy neoliberal'. Neoliberal economic principles have only increased the standard of living for billions of people, given us wondrous technology that could only be dreamed of even 20 years ago, and created lasting peace in most of the world, after all.

It's nice how you don't consider all the unrest and upheaval that is currently happening as an effect of neoliberal economics as well. And peace? Don't make me laugh, there has been so much war going on. And poverty has been lifted in some countries, but at the expense of our own where increasing austerity and wealth inequality are really screwing us. You really live in a bubble.

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