Michael Moore proposes that gun sales to men require permission from their wife or girlfriend.

I personally think we simply need to ammend the # of guns one can own.

How will this help with murder rates? It will simply hurt collectors and nobody else. You can only shoot one gun at a time in an actual tragedy.

there could be super higher restrictions if you have a record or felony charge

It is already illegal for felons and violent offenders to own guns. Most of the "common sense" gun regulations that anti-gun folks want are actually already laws that they don't know about. "Common sense" gun legislation is a misnomer designed to get you to support anti-common-sense laws.

for hunters or collectors, you could have more guns but would have to go through even more background checks

More than one background check gets the same results as the first background check. If there are no crimes on record, there are no crimes on record. What would you be checking for on those extra background checks?

we don't have people with 40 fucking guns like that is normal in some way

Once again, I'm uncertain why you think having 40 guns hurts anyone. You can only shoot one at a time, and only need one to commit crimes. The rest are invariably wall-hangers and cabinet candy.

/r/MGTOW Thread Parent Link - ashingtontimes.com