Liking Fallout 4 is literally liking shit on your chest.

I'll just clarify this to all of you shills who doesn't understand facts.

Witcher 3 is good=fact. Fallout 4 is bad=fact. Fallout 4 is good = bad taste, shit fetishist. Witcher 3 is average=Oh my god, give me a fucking minute, let me get up from the fucking floor where I am laying down like a small child in fetal position laughing my god damn ass off at that you just called The Witcher 3 average. Did...did you just call the greatest masterpiece in the RPG genre average. Are you fucking mental, or just a another paid off redditor spewing nonsense? Want to know what is fucking average? Fucking Fallout 4. Average to boring story, game world about a few centimeters thick, radiant sidequests that just generate themselves over and over again like beating your own head with a wooden stick until you have gone so fucking dumb from it that you are starting to call it "fun". That motherfucking piece of average garbage has about the most average, uninteresting, uninspired gameworld and lore with the most average, no actually below average graphics. And don't even get me started on the physics. And here you are sitting here calling Witcher 3 average? HaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. On what basis I ask? Are you just that really fucking stupid? Man you must be one of those guys who defends all shitty games with "BUT ITS FUN TO PLAYYY DERP". Oh god, this is so tragic, you must be really retarded. You fucking wanna think the next time you call a game average, and not invoke the name of THE ONE FUCKING GAME TO COME OUT THE LAST YEARS THAT PUT ALL OTHER GAMES TO SHAME AS AVERAGE PIECES OF JUNK. Did you even stop to consider the fucking fact that Witcher 3 has gotten stellar reviews from EVERY SINGLE FUCKING REVIEWER ON THE ENTIRETY OF THE FUCKING INTERNET? Jesus fucking christ. Fucking calling Witcher 3 average, lol.

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