A list of ideas for application Development businesses.

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Application that uses machine learning to diagnose certain debilitating diseases

Recipe application that accesses a number of APIs to determine what dishes you can make with the ingredients that you have in your fridge

AirBnB with Pets

Application that allows you to connect to projectors to share movies and live experiences for a price

Personal “Brain” application that parses using Parserver NLPs and stores and concatenates words

Pathfinder pattern game

Game where you change animals to go through a path

ExamStudy- By the Students, For the Students

Bike Race 3D

Platform for finding the highest quality bathroom near you.

App that uses computer vision to detect emotions

Self driving robotic car commute application

App that takes long words from textbooks and summarizes them. (Vision + NLP)

A whack the person you hate application(now viable because of 3d face ai)

Automatic alarm that will wake you up based on the traffic

(Apple watch app idea) Application that detects if you are cheating while working out

Local (15 miles) reddit where you can organize your friends to play football, etc.

3D Printer - VR Application

Dating app that pairs you with faces similar to that of your celebrity crush

App for others with disabilities

/r/Lightbulb Thread