I’ll never understand bigoted bisexual women, who degrade and bash bisexual men… for the SAME sexuality they share.

Than you. Point taken. And I kinda do agree with you. But, as non-psychologist, if a bisexual woman is condemning me for opening up as bisexual, and calls me every name in the book when she herself is bisexual, I will assume she has a cluster b personality disorder.

From my perspective, respect is worth nothing if it's given freely. Respect has to be mutual, and it has to be deserved. It's not free. I can respect the deed, I can respect the achievement. It doesn't mean I have to respect the person. That includes people with metal disorders.

I'm also not trying to be academically accurate, funny or cute. This is my uneducated defense. A mental disorder on her part is really the only reasonable conclusion the layman can conjure when presented with such an irrational and emotionally erratic reaction. But maby that's me showing bigotry towards narcissists and the likes.

/r/BisexualMen Thread Parent