Looking for games with distinctive class system. Eg. Hunter, Paladin, Archmage, Dragonslayer etc

Dark Souls / Bloodborne (based on weapon selection and attribute focus much more than beginning game "class" selection)

Mass Effects

Dragon's Dogma

ARPGs, like Diablos, Path of Exile, Titan Quest, Grim Dawn


Deus Ex

Elder Scrolls (if one restricts themselves from developing a master of all trades character)

Many of the classic CRPGs others have mentioned, like KotORs and Neverwinter Knights, etc.

Wish I knew more of the kinds of games you're asking for myself, though more specifically that move in real-time. Games with distinctive player builds that lead to unique active gameplay (as opposed to just selecting different icons from a turn based menu, not that there's anything wrong with that! ), like the different primary class abilities of Mass Effect 2 and 3, are the ones I enjoy replaying the most.

/r/patientgamers Thread