Looking to be someone's depressionbuddy!

Hi Em,

I just woke up and saw that you replied on my comment. I want you to know that it means a lot to me. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Robert, 24 years old and I live in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. I'm a Graphic Designer. Although I'm unemployed at the moment.

A couple years back I worked in Melbourne, Australia and I had the best year of my life. When it was time to move back, everything went dark. I wasn't looking forward to go home. I lost my appetite. Couldn't enjoy the things I loved. My creativity plummeted and my motivation was nowhere to be seen.

This went on for a couple of years. I really wanted to feel loved and appreciated. The first girl that crossed my path, would be the one for me. It happened. We had a couple of dates and we were completely in love. It felt amazing. There was no sign of my depression. A year later I had a job and things were looking good. We decided to live together. We found a place, an expensive one. As we were fixing up the place in between work. I got fired.. I was overqualified, too expensive.

Depression and reality came in hard. After a couple of months of struggling, fighting and bickering. I realized I had nothing in common with this girl. I hated her friends, she hated mine. The only thing we had in common was we both liked the same movie's and we had the same kind of humor. This isn't enough to sustain and maintain a relationship. Went through therapy. Decided to end the relationship, lose everything and start fresh.

A month later things went great. I was happy and confident. Met this amazing girl and started dating and now (6 months later) we live together.

But lately I'm becoming less stable. Relapsing. Doing, thinking and saying weird stuff.

I tell my girlfriend almost everything but I hate talking about depressing stuff to the woman I love.

I just need a friendly stranger.

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