I love linguistics and language but I don't know if its a good career choice...

I'm currently a Junior majoring in computer science and minoring in linguistics, and my interests lie in NLP and machine learning, so maybe I can help a bit.

First, I'm assuming what you mean by it not being a "good major" is "I wont be able to get a job when I get out of college". Linguistics has many, many subfields. One of those is computational linguistics, which more or less deals with the overlap between linguistics and computer science. Like others here mentioned, its a field thats quickly growing in importance in the current climate of "big data".

But theres also other fields like neurolinguistics which deals with things such as how the structure and chemistry (wink wink) of the brain effects the way we interpret and produce language. My point is, its a big field, with lots and lots of real, practical applications in fields that deal with language in some form or another (i.e. most of them). Whether or not its a good major has a lot to do with what you plan on doing with it. So, as long as you have a plan of where you want to go with it, I'd say it's no better or worse than any other major.

That being said, computational linguistics is one of the most math-oriented subfields of linguistics. While linguistics itself may be your passion, I would say a passion for computer science and math is just as important, if not more so, for this specific subset of knowledge. Coming out of college with a good understanding of computational linguistics means that in addition to having taken your typical syntax and semantics classes for the linguistic component, you'll also have probably taken a heavy dose of calculus, statistics, discrete math, and algorithms for the computational component.

I don't mean this to be discouraging, because if you can stomach it, you'll get to understand some really amazing insights into language through the math, which is where my own passion for linguistics stems from. But the math is unavoidable, if not essential. So if thats not really your thing, there are probably much better major pairings with linguistics for you. Or you can do pure linguistics because its your passion, and like I said before, its not a bad major in the first place.

/r/cscareerquestions Thread