I loved Callie's character development

She didn’t plant any idea into George’s head, Izzy was completely in the wrong throughout that entire exhausting ordeal of an arc. Izzy felt George was somehow her property, Izzy was openly rude and spiteful, Izzy wounded her way in between them.

Was Callie 100% wrong for George, and vice versa? Absolutely. They were together on pure impulse and naivety. Was it Izzy’s place to suddenly throw a tantrum when she didn’t have George as an option anymore? Definitely not.

Callie learned, and grew from what happened. Until Sara left the show and we were given the absolute destruction of her character that was the custody battle, Callie was one one of the most mature and reasonable characters Greys had. But you can’t sit there and say it was her fault for what happened with Izzy and George lmaoo

/r/greysanatomy Thread