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I'm someone who finds it quite straightforward to be calm, I can completely stop anxiety once I am aware that it's taking hold. I also find it easy to be happy despite bad circumstances - I don't get depressed. But I can't fall asleep, never have been able to. But to me they are just such different things. Anything about emotions or controlling the direction of my thoughts, I learned to manage by meditating in my late teens. Sleep is just back magic to me, like choosing not to exist.

I feel like life could be so great if I could master that one thing. As a teen I felt like that about anxiety. I hope it's not condescending to recommend to anyone struggling with anxiety that they really make a concerted effort to learn to meditate and then continue the practise for 6 months or so daily. You really can take control of your own emotions and thoughts, and it's a thing you can learn and practise.

If anyone knows how to learn to fall asleep, please for the love of all that is good and pure share your wisdom.

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