Lucky to have such an awesome, sweet professor

I appreciate the civility as well. Issues like these tend to end in name calling and other vitriol so this is refreshing.

I know that to many "suffer" is taken to the extreme but in this case I mean to disturb the peace of others. In the meme, the baby was crying before the professor had to go comfort it. I can't imagine an instance where for the full 90 or more minutes of class the child will remain entirely quite and not be a disturbance to anyone in the class.

Of course, if such a situation exists, I actually don't see anything wrong with it. It's just that I have never seen a child remain perfectly peaceful when in a new environment and surrounded by strangers.

What we need is universal childcare and better support for parents. People fail to see that a lack of services hurts these children and when they can be productive members of society but don't know how to because they lacked the help, we all pay for that. But, still, I'm like your boss: deal with it and when the time is right come back or let's see what arrangement we can make.

Enjoy the rest of your day!

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