Sarah Sanders refuses say press is not 'enemy of the people' at White House briefing

When white people are the "victims" of racism in the US they can shrug off the minor annoyance and remain in power.

The fact you imply we cannot be "victims" is 100% a racist belief in itself. Hey, it's 2018. Racists are fucking shitty. Welcome to reality.

Tell that to the mentally ill kid who was tortured while his attackers chanted fuck white people :

When any other race is the victim they often get killed.

And your source for this is?

1 cause of death amongst African Americans 12-40 is homicide. Hardly anything to do with racism.

Just because you have no idea how systems of power affect culture and the people of this country doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

And just because you think they do doesn't mean they do.

White people should stop being so fragile, especially straight white guys. like they've had power since this country was started and they keep a pretty firm grasp on it lol

Replying to a post where an editor called for the genocide of an entire race & gloated about torturing senior members of that race.

If the words white in her tweets were replaced with back you would be using it in your comments about how we will live in such a racist, white supremacist country.

It's 2018 dont expect to be able to get away with racism despite whether or not you personally think those millions of people could in fact have the ability to be victims of racism.

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