I’m so confused… my iPad Pro now has a better processor than my MacBook Pro (M2 iPad, M1 Mac) and yet, we still don’t have desktop Adobe apps? Illustrator for iPad is so frustrating!! Do you think we’ll ever get desktop class Apps or even MacOS for iPad Pro?

In 2018. No 2019. I had been a power user of ipad for probably like 5 years. At least a dozen iPad Pro I went through in that time ( did a lot of need to be mobile + internet of things stuff) and I remember thinking. Oh man. Illustrator on the iPad. Photoshop on the iPad. Is going to be a game changer. Not only were these apps just fucking ass. But I will never forget having to use Vectornator. Blind. And on the fly. Bc my actual MacBook took a shit theeee day I had to send something to print. I was able to intuitively use masks and whatever else I needed in *vectornator* and I’d be willing to bet that right now. As I type this. that app. Still shits all over Adobe.

‘they have been riding the dick of the ip used to create the desktop software. For decades now. The reason why cracks still continue to work. To this day. Has everything to do with the fact that they have NEVER. From the top down revamped any of that code enough to run seamlessly on modern devices. Much less modern computers.

I assumed that those apps coming to iOS would naturally mean : devs would be hired. To translate this 3 decade cluster fuck of code. Into a seamless and fluid UI experience finally worthy of a subscription price.

lol wrong. Super fucking wrong.

without even looking. And trying so hard to invite the fuckery that exists on Reddit. I dead ass bet. You cannot. render objects in 3d still. On illustrator mobile. Just that. Is lol to me.

/r/iPadPro Thread