Trump disavows David Duke.

Look, I am all for Trump but this is extremely weird. Two days ago he disavows David Duke and today he says he knows nothing about David Duke and white supremacists. It makes no sense. If he wanted to get the so called racist vote, why disavow David Duke in the first instance. If he wanted to come across as the good guy, why not deny David Duke outright. However, I did some research and it makes sense now. The answer will shock you people - Long read maybe.

David Duke is NOT a racist. I repeat David Duke is NOT a racist. Here, just watch the first 1-2 minutes Trump always believed that David Duke was Klansman and that explains his 2000 article. When asked suddenly about David Duke on Friday, Trump believing that he was Klansman said he disavowed David Duke. However, it is possible later on he got to know about David Duke, which you will too if you watch the video I linked. Thus, now he is not really sure about what the white supremacists stand for - he is confused whether it actually means people standing up for white rights who have been mislabelled by the media as white "supremacists". So Trump believes he may have said wrong about people who are concerned about white rights and not white supremacy. When he gets asked about this on CNN, he is not sure of how to respond and this I believe is where he fucks up. David Duke is not a racist but the media has made him out to be one. Trump probably now knows this and is unsure how to answer. The unsurity blows up on twitter and thus he is forced to link his friday disavowment. It makes no sense for him to disavow him one day and then not say anything 2 days later. As for the KKK thing, if you watch the CNN video, Jake Tapper says KKK two times - once when Trump is talking and it doesn't seem Trump hears KKK. The second time also, Jake Taper says KKK almost as if tapering it off. Again, Trump says nothing about the KKK. He did NOT hear the words KKK or Ku Klux Klan. Also, he appeared very groggy as if he had just woken up. Trump is not a racist but he kind of fucked up a bit here. That is the only logical explanation imo.

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