My favourite hiphop conspiracy theory is based on Snoop Dogg's Murder Was The Case, I posted about it recently in the DD but I didn't get a chance to fully elaborate so here goes... I came up with this years ago after reading an article written by a guy claiming to be an exec at a big music company who was invited to a shady island meeting where they agreed to popularise gang culture, drug use and teenage romance to keep the (black) population down and to fill private prisons. I was listening to Doggystyle with a fat joint as I read it this was the result...

TL;DR: Snoop made a deal with the Illuminati or a "large collection of investors" (represented by the devil, a popular image for the Illuminati) to popularise gang culture, black violence and marijuana use in order to increase the crime rate and fill the private prisons. He did this in return for a record deal and a life of luxury.

Verse 1 the image of Snoop's death is used to represent his impending life long incarceration for first degree murder (read about the case in this LA times article). He is on the verge of incarceration, he knows he is guilty of the crime and that he should be sent to prison for life for it. Then the devil intervenes and gives snoop the irresistible deal of selling his soul in return for resurrection/revitalisation.

The devil says:

Bring your lifestyle to me I'll make it better

i.e. You may continue your illegal activities but you will be doing so for commercial gain.

Snoop then asks:

Will I still be the G that I was?

The devil doesn't answer and instead only states that Snoop's life will improve. This may be interpreted as a recognition by Snoop that he will be a complete sell out and will no longer be "G" but he will be rich.

Verse 2 Snoop is free! But his freedom has come at a price. The devil (the Illuminati) has given him some money for his soul sale and Snoop is living the high life and is alleviating his guilty conscience with some retail therapy and by gifting cars to his close ones. Snoop is interrupted by the devil who reminds him of his deal:

(Just remember who changed your mind 'cause when you start set-tripping, that ass is mine)

This is an aggressive reminder from the powers-that-be that if Snoop divulges or diverges from the deal then they have the power to ruin his life. It may also be interpreted thus: Snoop is "set-tripping"; in striking this deal to popularise lawlessness in the black community in order to fill private prisons he will be selling out not only his only gang associates but his fellow man and his kin. The deal involves "set-tripping" and as soon as Snoop begins the deal his ass belongs to the Illuminati.

Snoop simply says:

Indeed, agreed proceed to smoke weed. Never have a want, never have a need

All he has to do is live his previous life but do so publicly and rap about it. Hopefully, those that listen will emulate him, and end up in private prisons as a result.


Now I lay me down to sleep

I pray the Lord, my soul to keep

If I should die, before I wake

I pray the Lord, my soul to take

This signifies the beginning of an alternative path to the one taken in Verse 1 and Verse 2. Snoop instead follows his faith and gives his soul up to God and not the devil. Here, God represents good in the typical good/evil dilemma.

Verse 3 rather than "set-tripping" and selling out himself and the lives of thousands of citizens, Snoop accepts his fate and goes to prison for life.

/r/hiphopheads Thread