I’m giving up.

I was where you are right now almost exactly a year ago. I'm 17 and just last year around this same last time, when I was 16, I almost killed myself. I am so glad that I didn't do it. I had a kitchen knife and almost used it, but I decided I wanted to find find something less painful and didn't want to cause my parents any more pain my making a mess. I am so happy that I put down the knife. My saw my friends the next day and was extremely depressed and they could tell. I ended up confessing to one of my friends and getting more help even though at the time I didn't want it. It's crazy how much my life has improved in just one year. I have discovered new interests that I love that I didn't even know I was missing out on. I was able to go on a diet and lose over 40 pounds. It's not impossible. I have a girlfriend now for the first time ever, and I love her so much. In just a few days I leave to go be an exchange student in Japan which is a dream come true for me. Now my life isn't perfect. I still struggle with depression and I have a pretty bad relationship with my parents, but there's so much good in my life I would never want to give up now. So please if you're still out there and are reading this, please just wait. Give life more time. Life is what you make it a lot of the time. I know you must want people to hear you if you're posting this hear. Please give life a chance.

/r/teenagers Thread