I’m letting my ex continue to financially abuse me

Not gonna try to sound like a family broken record on this one so am gonna be direct.

  1. Money - She owes you. Is it really worth getting it back? Unless that “contract” is what your desiring. Is she using this as a form of manipulation? And are you allowing it?
  2. Contact - ask yourself why you continue to converse.
  3. Discovery- Do you really want to be stringed along while she is having her fun? At your mental expense!
  4. Reality. - is she being real or playing you?

I am 24 years post affair and completely happy with my marriage. But it’s because my wife totally dedicated herself to my healing. However, had she not and strung me along I would have moved on in a second. And I know I could have. Thus, you need seriously consider where her head space is. If it isn’t to totally heal you then you need to walk. And walk fast so you can heal properly.

/r/SupportforBetrayed Thread