I made the cashier cry

This is gonna come off as a brag, but I live in a country that doesn’t have a tipping culture at all (minimum wage is below livable wage but my country gets called a utopia by USA residents). Coming out of a massive lockdown at the point where half of the city had covid at the same time, I went through the McDonalds drive thru (was buying dinner for a friend who I’d accidentally given covid to 2 weeks prior). The drive thru took an obscenely long time and I sat at the window watching way too few stressed teenagers run around on the verge of meltdown trying to get orders together. After the girl gave me my order I handed her a $20 note. She looked at me with panic in her eyes and says “what’s this for?”, clearly assuming I was trying to order some more food that absolutely would not have been ready and would put them more behind. I said “don’t worry, it’s just a tip cause I bet every customer today has sucked” and then went to drive off before she could protest or make a big scene, but I did hear her turn to her coworkers and yell “HOLY FUCK I JUST GOT A TWENTY DOLLAR TIP!!!!” and ever since then I’ve made it a habit to tip anyone who looks like they’ve recently suffered at the hands of awful customers.

/r/antiwork Thread