Major Job Cuts Expected at Microsoft

Microsoft is beginning its' long slide into irrelevancy. IBM went through the same thing. We all saw this coming.

I remember praying for and imagining when this would occur about 10-15 years ago. Back then, my ire for them was much stronger. Nowadays, I don't really care about them anymore. As a developer, the only meaning they have for me is that they have a browser (IE) that I have to support that is also declining into irrelevancy. Every year, IE's market share shrinks. It's a relic of a bygone era. It will take a few years, but mark my words, it will happen. It's inevitable. Further, anyone that does use IE is of questionable intelligence anyway, and frankly, I don't really want them as a mainline user of my app. Support costs tend to make demographic a very negative ROI. Yup, I'm saying IE users are a net loss. I only begrudgingly support Microsoft's browser. For me, IE support exists only as a check mark at the bottom of a list of better browsers.

Back in the day, we used to target a populace that didn't use computers all day, everyday, for everything. Those days are past. I think we are past the days when we have coddle the populace and say "poor baby, let me help you". People are expected to know what the internet is and how to use it. I'm not helping you find the "any key" anymore. If you are a person that can't find the "any key", then the world has already completely passed you by. Personally, I'm not going back to get you. I'm just going to wave out the back window. Some people you just can't save. Goodbye and good riddance. IE users are part of the same bunch.

The future is Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and mobile of all types (not in that order). Maybe a better browser will come along that I have to support. That's fine, I'll support that too. I can guarantee and will bet every dollar I have it won't be made by Microsoft though.

Notice, I didn't mention anything about Windows apps. No one really cares about those anymore. I mean, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint are still holding on, but, the world is moving past those as well, albeit glacially.

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