Do you think marijuana should be legal in Mississippi?

The top reason they want Marijuana illegal is the massive amounts of federal money and equipment they get under the justification of the drug war. There is a bill that allows them to buy surplus military equipment, hence swat teams raiding Crack houses looking like they're in fallujah. They're literally knocking the walls out if people's houses who have not even been charged yet. However I digress... Marijuana forms a huge portion of the overall war on drugs, and the war on drugs is responsible for billions and billions of dollars, either in the form of massive government agencies or fed money distributed to local police forces. For the same reason, private prisons are a huge contributor to anti-legalization lobby groups. they are the people who actively benefit from the imprisonment of minor non-violent drug offenders; they are truly and despicably evil. Drug testing has even become a massive industry, since both companies and government groups frequently use them during the hiring process. Additionally, the record number of people living under the supervision of government agencies, either under parole or probation, are required to submit to frequent analysis.

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