Marry, Fuck, Kill: Nietzsche, Sartre, Camus

Invasion of the 14 year-old edgelords' little brothers and future boohoo, nobody-loves-me, virgin whiners and incel larva.

It's actually interesting because "right now" is the only time you can turn around with regard to the creation of your future self. It's actually the only time you can turn around, period.

Ya know how people tell kids that if they don't stop frowning/scowling/sneering their face will freeze like that? Well, you're creating your future face, right now. And no matter how good you think you are at faking it or pretending to be other than you are - and no matter how "cute" you are - people are going to see your face. And no matter how much time and effort "authority" puts into getting those people to ignore vibes and their other instincts, they still feel them and when you add the face to that, you're like your own walking, talking advertisement of all the icky bits of yourself that you don't want anybody to see.

Plus, when you get older, your wrinkles are going to be like a tattoo of who you really are. Don't you ever wonder why "beautiful" people often don't age well while the most amazing old faces seem to belong to average or those whose younger appearances were not beautiful?

You can lie and pretend all you want but your vibe can't and the vibe you're training your body to give off will make some people cringe and others want to pinch your little head off, regardless of how "pretty" you are, without even knowing why. And that's going to include any girls/boys you might want to get next to, the parents, friends and siblings of those who ignore your vibe and hook up with you anyway, just because you are pretty or rich or whatever - plus any potential bosses who interview you or customers/clients you meet or bankers who take your loan applications and the list goes on and on.

Of course, that's just what it looks like from my perspective based on my observations - i.e. CNN hasn't done any reports on it - so, I must have it all wrong, right? You'll probably be fine - plus it doesn't matter, eh? So, good luck!

/r/nihilism Thread