Martin Luther King Was Assassinated 50 Years Ago Today

I find it very difficult to praise MLK. He claims to be a socialist, but he had a great opportunity to springboard a social revolution but he failed to do this; instead, he focused on increasing "racial consciousness", which is a word I just made up now to describe the increasing development of a black identity that is opposed to whiteness in all forms and is actually deeply racist most of the time, and he focused on oppression of the Negro, when the only true oppression in my eyes is that of the whole working class. This is random and unrelated, but If we want a revolution, surely we need the white working class and black working classes to unify, but this will not happen with groups like black lives matter that are causing anger and division among the working classes and are trying to give the impression that black people as a whole are being oppressed, when in reality, the whole working class is oppressed.

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