I was masturbating, and hurt myself.. (18+)

Okay.... not every woman bleeds like a stuck pig on breaking her hymen. It's not like slicing off a part of your skin elsewhere, it's just a semipermiable membrane that really serves no use. Personally, I had enough resistance that my first partner was like "wait, what? Oh wow..." but didn't really bleed. My best friend experienced the Shining. You may have bruised but not broken your hymen, you may have broken it without realising. Pain upon finishing could be a concern if it happens again/regularly.

If you felt discomfort or pain, it may be because you weren't 'turned on' enough. That's cool, it's your first go. Next time, be gentle with yourself. Turn yourself on. Find some material that helps (try literotica.com or other erotic literature for stimulation if you find porn videos a turn off or confronting). Over all, think sexy thoughts, engage in your fantasies, and start by stimulating the outer areas of your vagina, your breasts, and your thighs. You'll figure out what stimulates you more/best as you try different things. Light physical stimulation (like feather strokes) will go a long way toward self lubrication. Spend some time finding and getting to be best pals with your clitoris. Use some lube, and make sure your fingernails are trimmed.

If the pain continues, it may be worth making an appointment with a gyno to talk about vaginismus or other concerns - especially if you decide to engage with a partner and experience a lot of pain.

And don't stop pleasuring yourself. It will teach you a great deal about what you do and do not enjoy in the bedroom, which is super helpful and arousing for a partner when you decide it's time. It's nothing shameful, any woman who truthfully says she doesn't masturbate is missing out.

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