Matchmaking Practices have ruined the 'casual' Call of Duty experience.

They will be. Every game with a ranked mode, their "unranked/casual" mode works just like ranked, only your "rank" is hidden in unranked/casual.

Which makes sense. "Unranked" isn't meanto be where you go get free wins, it's just meant to be where you have fun and you don't care about how you do. Should be where you try new classes, blindly run around, do new tactics, etc. Because your performance isn't supposed to matter, it isn't publicly tracked or impactful to your rank, you shouldn't care how you do.

How the COD community is the only communit ythat struggles with this concept of matchmaking always baffles me. Like no lie you guys are the only community i know where railing against SBMM/MMR/ELO is somehow a popular sentiment lol. Every other community grasps the concept of fair matchmaking, and understands that "unranked" doesn't mean "where I go to dominate noobs". But somehow... not the COD community.

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