Matt Pike's response to the NRP article accusing him of antisemitism

My band back in the late 80’s had a song called “Fuck Tipper Gore.”

It’s weird being a Gen X’er. I am a crazy leftist to boomers, and a crazy conservative to the young people. I work in libraries and I feel like an alien when I talk to people in their 20s and early 30s that work along side me. What’s funny is I’m sure my parents felt the same. They were conservative to me, but my pops was a biker and my mom a full blown flower child, and yet they might as well have been Ronald and Nancy Reagan to me.

I distinctly remember making a decision to never join a side. Never pick a party or a group. I really hoped that was gonna catch on, but sadly it never did. It’s worse now than ever and it’s infected every inch of our world, including music and subcultures.

To hang one of our own out to dry because of some stupid shit like this is just.. well, lame. It goes to show how shallow everything is now. I am really glad I got to be young in the 80s. I can’t imagine being a young person now trying to navigate the minefield of thought crimes here is today.

But what do I know? I’m just some asshole and it’s not my world anymore. I used to read David Icke, too. Still do from time to time for a laugh. I love conspiracies and the like. I guess I’m just not worried my brain is going to melt if I spend a little time with ideas that are not my own.

Anyway, get off my lawn and damn you kids and all of that. I’ll continue to support Matt. I’m sure some won’t. Life will go on. I’ll die long before most of you and none of you will care about what I’ve said here. And that’s just the way it is.

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