Me [28F] with my new SO [30M] His restless sleeping habits are driving me mad and making me wonder.

So, my questions here are does anyone else have a restless SO and how do you handle it? Should I be worried about underlying issues, or am I overreacting? If I'm overreacting, how does a person calm down and go back to sleep quickly with this stuff? Is there something I can do if it happens again or to prevent it from happening again?

ill answer your questions and then give my editorial response to the post:

1) i just dealt with it, or if it woke me up - i would try and redirect it into sex. why not, i'm awake now anyways.

2) you are overreacting.

3) how did you get to sleep in the first place? probably go with that. doing some deep yoga breathing (inhale through nose, exhale through mouth, focus on your breathing) usually helps me. but then again, if i woke up in a panic routinely i would probably be off to a therapist.

4) lets look at this one logically. he's a restless sleeper - meaning he can't control his actions while sleeping. that leaves it up to you to figure out an appropriate reaction. what would i do? i would handle it as i answered in 1. how should you handle it? well, thats another question...

i know high-strung people hate to be told to calm down... but you really need to relax! you are probably stuck in 'look for faults' mode from dating and likely a bit neurotic. you need an outlet for this anxiety- whether its yoga, working out, running... something. i have been there, for me the answer was a combination of those things plus talking to someone and finding out the real reasons i had anxiety/stress. i know thats a default r/relationships answer, but you definitely come across a little nutty on here!

/r/relationships Thread